All Because Two People Fell In Love

All Because Two People Fell In Love

Sunday, April 20, 2014

Easter! He Is Risen!

We had a great Easter this year! It was so fun to have Kingston and Maycie be a little older so that they could start to understand what we were going to do over the weekend. We talked a lot about our Savior, Jesus Christ, and how much he loves us. They had a fun time going to Grandma Karen's nursery at her church and colored pictures of Christ next to the tomb. After church we jumped on the trampoline, looked for their Easter baskets, and colored eggs. After nap time, we took our annual trip to the University to roll our Easter eggs down the hill. Maycie's first time down the hill she tumbled and rolled for about 30 feet; it was hilarious but unfortunately I didn't have the camera ready. Kingston loved being a part of the big boys by throwing the eggs as hard as he could. Kasen just sat and watched Oreo the whole time with Grandma. We were lucky enough to have Kelcie join us which the kids loved. What a great day!

Thursday, April 17, 2014

Kasen's First Tooth

Our little misters first tooth came in! Kasen has become even more adorable with this little chicklet tooth popping through. His smiles are even more contagious, if thats even possible!! Best part about it is that we didn't even know he was teething because he's such a happy little baby. I love my Kasen Guy!

Saturday, April 12, 2014

Tori's Birthday

Jess sure spoiled me this year for my birthday. It started off with breakfast in bed,then we went to cousin Misha's baptism followed by a wonderful homemade steak lunch by Chef Jess, then he took me shopping; and he made sure I got any article of clothing that remotely interested me. We then went to Lagoon and he said I had to do one crazy thing on my birthday, that crazy thing ended up being that I had to go on the Sky Coaster. I was absolutely horrified but I loved every second of it and was glad that I got to ride it with him for the first time. At night we went to dinner and went to "The Wicked Wizard of Ahhhz" at the Off Broadway Theater. For being there on my actual birthday they had me stand up on the stage while they sang to me and we got two free tickets to their next show. On our way home, Jess decided we needed to get back to our car in style so he got us a bike taxi; it was so romantic at night. I have such an incredible husband who definitely did not disappoint this year for my birthday. I'm also very grateful for my mom and brothers for babysitting so we could have such an amazing day.